Undoubtedly, Marriage is a beautiful union for a man and woman to come together, live happily and reproductive , unfortunately, the beautiful union is becoming scary in view of several cases of negative reports about Marriages these days.

It is very rare for a month to pass without reading or hearing about report of a domestic violence between a husband and wife, who once professed undying love to each other, such cases are on the rise due to various factors, including infidelity, temperament among many others.

The most recent of such cases happened in Ekiti State where a wife reportedly murdered her husband and cut off his manhood, the husband also struggled to attack the wife before he died and the injury she sustained led to her death, both of them leaving behind Six children.

For Singles and Newly married couples, it is important to pick some lessons from the rising cases of Domestic violence in the society and what has become of many Marriages.

The Lessons

1. Kindness cannot be overrated; As a man or woman, who is single and looking forward to getting married, ensure you end up with a kind partner, this cannot be overemphasized, because, at the end, his height, complexion and her beauty, blue eyes or body shape will not replace his or her kindness, don’t ignore what he or she says whenever there is misunderstanding between you guys, don’t give excuses for his or her temperament.

It takes kindness not to hurt someone you claim to love, unfortunately, many Bachelors or spinsters are focusing more on the outward, leaving behind the Character of the person they wants to spend the rest of their lives with.

Absolutely, there is nothing wrong with getting married to someone you are attracted to physically, but, beyond his or her physical attributes, you need to be sure that you can cope with his or her temperament without banking on the possibility of him or her changing for the good after solidifying the union.

2. Anger Management is a topic that is not talked about well enough in this part of the world, rather than talking about this and its importance in Marriage, people tend to give excuses, some would say things like “I am quick to anger”.

It is not about you being quick to anger or not, rather, it is about you ensuring that your anger does not push you to do things you will forever regret. As a married couple or someone preparing to get married, you must understand the place of ensuring that you don’t allow your anger to overpower you, because at the end, many things destroyed by anger cannot be repaired when the anger subsized.

3. Know when to Step back, either you are married or single, it is very important to understand when to soften pedder when it comes to the point when your relationship becomes sower or when there are irreconcilable issues between you and your partner.

Seperation can allow you to see reasons to either continue or put a Stop to a relationship or Marriage, because, during the course of the seperation, you would have the opportunity to reflect and use your tongue to count your teeth to know what you stand to gain or loose if you hold on or let go of the relationship that has become strenuous.

At the end, no relationship or marriage is worth your life, as a single person, watch before you leap and as married couples, know when a Marriage threatens your wellbeing, mental health and life.

Say no to Domestic violence.

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